Deregulation of Community Programming


WHEREAS the Canadian Radio Television and Telecommunications Commission CRTC is considering that it might be appropriate to eliminate the regulatory requirement that a community channel, if offered, be distributed as part of the basic service Ref. 2007-10, Paragraph 73; AND WHEREAS community programming is an important asset to our communities and one that supports our citizens in a variety of ways by giving them access to local news, events and views and is an important element of communications in our communities: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Canadian Radio Television and Telecommunications Commission be informed as soon as possible that the Union of British Columbia Municipalities is not in favour of the proposal to deregulate community programming, but is in favour of the CRTC continuing to protect community programming by maintaining the current regulations which mandates that a community channel, if offered, be distributed as part of the basic cable service.

Other Response

CANADIAN RADIO-TELEVISION AND TELECOMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION In Broadcasting Public Notice CRTC 2008-100, 30 October 2008, the Commission issued its policy determinations following its review of the regulatory frameworks for broadcasting distribution undertakings and discretionary programming services. In this public notice, the Commission retained the requirement that the community channel be included as part of a broadcasting distribution undertaking BDUs basis service, if offered by that BDU. Furthermore, at Appendix 4 of the same public notice, under the heading Follow-up and related proceedings, the Commission indicated that it intends to issue a call for comments on its policies regarding community-based television media. Therefore, the UBCMs comments related to community channel regulations can be provided at that time for the Commissions consideration.

Convention Decision