Highway 37 Electrification


WHEREAS electrification of the Highway 37 corridor is critical to the economy of all northwest communities in British Columbia; AND WHEREAS a portion of this electrification cost is to be borne by the Galore Creek project currently in review, however there are other projects proceeding that require this power transmission line, e.g. Imperial Metals, Red Chris project, the large Copper Fox Schaft Creek project now in environmental review as well as the Forest Kerr Hydro project: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Union of British Columbia Municipalities lobby the provincial government and the BC Transmission Corporation, urging the continuance of the proposed environmental programs and projects, with a focus on the Northwest Transmission Line, namely the Terrace to Bob Quinn portion of the 287 kV line.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources The Province remains as committed as we were last year to building this transmission line. We have 250 million on the table and are inviting industry to join us, and put a plan and financing forward to make the Northwest Transmission Line a reality.

Other Response

BC TRANSMISSION CORPORATION On September 26, 2008 the Province announced that funding would be provided to reinstate the consultation and environmental assessment processes for the proposed Northwest Transmission Line NTL project. BCTC has been working with the Province and the BC Environmental Assessment Office to commence this work. NTL consultation, including consultation with the Nisgaa Nation and First Nations with interests in the NTL areas, has resumed. Rescan Environmental Services, BCTCs environmental consultant for NTL, will be completing baseline studies that were suspended in November 2007. At this time, no decision has been made to proceed with constructing NTL. The available funding is intended only to carry the project through to the preparation of the Application for an Environmental Assessment Certificate.

Convention Decision