Meat Inspection Regulation: Small-Scale Abattoirs

North Okanagan RD

WHEREAS the Government of BCs new Meat Inspection Regulation, under the Food Safety Act, results in the closure of most currently operating fixed and mobile abattoirs; AND WHEREAS a lack of processing facilities forces many small and specialty livestock producers out of production and results in a decline in small-scale, diversified agriculture in BC, including fruit and vegetable production on mixed farms; AND WHEREAS this loss of local meat production and sales will impose economic hardship on processors, producers and rural communities; AND WHEREAS the consumer demand for local, sustainably produced and processed meats is expanding and the Regulation impedes consumer choice: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the provincial government tailor the Meat Inspection Regulation to allow the local, small-scale abattoir operator or producer to operate under less stringent facility regulations, without the requirement for a meat inspector on site when slaughtering, and that any meat processed in such a manner will be allowed to be sold locally to the public labeled as not inspected to mitigate liability.

Convention Decision
Not Admitted for Debate