Timber Harvesting on Private Land

Alberni-Clayoquot RD

WHEREAS timber on private lands may be harvested without regard to the rate of harvest and to lower standards than timber harvested on public lands; AND WHEREAS watersheds and property owners downstream of timber harvesting activities meeting only those lower standards are adversely affected: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the UBCM petition the Province of BC to require timber harvesting on private lands to meet the same standards that are required for harvesting on public lands, especially with regard to rate of cut, riparian area protection and public input on proposed logging plans.

Provincial Response

MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE LANDS The Private Managed Forest Land Act Act establishes governments management objectives in respect of key environmental values on private land if the owners of the private land agree to have their land classified as managed forest land. These objectives relate to soil conservation, water quality, fish habitat, reforestation and critical wildlife habitat. The Private Managed Forest Land Council Council is empowered under the Act to establish regulations respecting the first four of these management objectives. The Council has recently undertaken a year long review of the adequacy of the current Council regulations at meeting the spirit and intent of the governments stated management objectives. On September 1, a new Private Managed Forest Land Council Regulation 2007 came into force. This regulation significantly increases the protections for water quality and fish habitat, including constraints on timber harvesting in riparian areas. With respect to the governments four management objectives over which the Council has jurisdiction, the new regulation provides similar protections as are found on public land. There are no objectives in the Act that relate specifically to rate of cut. Accordingly, the Council is not empowered to establish regulations in respect of this matter. However, excessive rates of harvest may lead to increased soil erosion and resulting sedimentation. The new Council regulation constrains timber harvesting that may result in either of these outcomes. The Council does not have the authority to require specific forms of operational plans. Each affected private managed forest land owner customizes its own operation to reflect his or her special circumstances, while adhering to all applicable Act regulations.

Convention Decision