Inclusion of Routine Eye Exams Under BC Medical Services Plan

Port Clements

WHEREAS the British Columbia Optometrists Association has determined and published case studies identifying that many serious conditions, including diabetes, high blood pressure, and brain tumours, can be detected during a routine eye exam; AND WHEREAS The Village of Port Clements Council recognizes that preventive measures and early detection of serious medical conditions is critical to the good health of British Columbia citizens and the reduction of health costs: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Union of British Columbia Municipalities forward a recommendation to the Ministry of Health that regularly scheduled routine eye examinations be covered under the British Columbia Medical Services Plan.

Provincial Response

MINISTRY OF HEALTH Routine eye examinations for MSP beneficiaries who are 18 years of age and younger, and 65 years of age and older, are a benefit of the MSP. Medically required eye examinations are a benefit for all MSP beneficiaries when there is a medical necessity e.g., eye disease, trauma or injury, or health conditions associated with significant risk to the eyes. Optometry services are subject to the terms of the Medicare Protection Act Act. This means optometrists have the right under the Act to opt out of the MSP. Optometrists who have opted out may charge fees to supplement the 44.83 which the MSP contributes for a routine eye examination provided to eligible patients. The Ministry of Health does not determine the value of any supplemental fees charged by optometrists. British Columbia provides broad coverage and significant funding for optometry services in comparison to other provinces in Canada. The Ministry of Health values optometric services as part of effective primary care and continues to fund these services within available resources and constraints.

Convention Decision