Canadian Police Peace Officers Memorial


WHEREAS the Committee that oversees the Canadian Police and Peace Officers Memorial in Ottawa does not recognize Auxiliary Police Officers in Canada; AND WHEREAS Auxiliary Cst. Glen Evely was killed instantly when the patrol car in which he was a passenger was broadsided by a stolen pickup truck in 2004, and has been refused recognition by the Canadian Police and Peace Officers Memorial because he was not a full-time police officer: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Province of British Columbia lobby, on behalf of all Auxiliary Police Officers in the Province of BC, who are appointed under the BC Police Act, status to qualify for recognition under the Canadian Police and Peace Officers Memorial in Ottawa.

Provincial Response

MINISTRY OF PUBLIC SAFETY AND SOLICITOR GENERAL In July 2006, the Province of British Columbia Province wrote the Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police CACP to consider an application for the inclusion of Auxiliary Constable Glenn Evely on the National Canadian Police and Peace Officers Memorial CPPOM. The Province was advised that both the application and the appeal were rejected unanimously by the board, on the basis that an Auxiliary member operating in a voluntary capacity does not meet the criteria or the intention of the CPPOM Honour Roll. However, the Province will continue to pursue this issue with CACP executive and ask them to review this decision and take the necessary steps to include Auxiliary Constable Glenn Evely on the National Canadian Police and Peace Officers Memorial.

Convention Decision