Flood Natural Disaster Protection

Fraser Valley RD

WHEREAS the origins of flood and other natural disaster problems are often located on Crown land and beyond the control of local government, and as the provincial government sets the standards for diking or disaster mitigation works, with funding for preventative works often far and beyond the capabilities of local governments or property owners, and as senior governments collect taxes or levies from resource extraction in communities; AND WHEREAS flood and natural disaster prevention is often less expensive to senior governments than disaster assistance: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the provincial and federal governments be requested to create an enhanced, comprehensive and sustainable program for providing funding assistance to all local governments or communities for prevention or mitigation from floods and other natural disasters.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Public Safety Solicitor General Since 2001, the federal and provincial governments have invested more than 44 million in flood mitigation throughout the Province of British Columbia Province, including more than 33 million in 2007. As flooding occurs on a regular basis in the Province, this government recognizes the need for a long-term approach to flood protection in the Province. Thats why we committed 100 million over 10 years for this long-term flood protection program and it is why we are asking the federal government to partner with us and match our funding. This program will be managed through Emergency Management BC and will provide local governments with the additional funds they need to improve flood protection in their communities to better protect public safety and infrastructure. The success of any hazard mitigation program is dependant upon support from all levels of government. Local governments are legislated to plan for, prepare, respond to, and recover from disasters and calamities within their jurisdictions and the Province provides support and coordination in those situations where managing an emergency or disaster is beyond the capabilities of the local authority. To create a seamless approach to emergency management, local governments are also encouraged to work together with neighbouring municipalities and regional districts to develop mutual aid agreements.

Federal Response

Ministry of Transportation Disaster mitigation is an eligible category of the 8.8 billion Building Canada Fund BCF. The BCF will also make investments in critical national priorities such as, clean water, sewage treatment the core Nation Highway System, public transit, and green energy, among other eligible categories. BCF investments for disaster mitigation will be directed towards projects that reduce the vulnerability of a community or public infrastructure to the negative impacts of extreme events, including adverse events related to climate change. As such, BCF funding can be provided for specific flood or disaster mitigation projects, though these projects would need to be evaluated individually to determine their eligibility. As you know, on November 6, 2007 the Governments of Canada and British Columbia announced the signing of a Framework Agreement worth 2.2 billion under Building Canada. As such, an initiative will be launched shortly to consider specific funding proposals.

Convention Decision
Endorsed as Amended