Mutual Education Meaningful Consultation During the Treaty Process


WHEREAS the Province of British Columbia, while still committed to the BC Treaty Process, has adopted the New Relationship concept to facilitate and expedite opportunities for First Nations who may or may not be engaging in the treaty process; AND WHEREAS local government is a full member of the Provincial Negotiating Team in the treaty process and, therefore, through consultation plays a meaningful role during all negotiations on matters that maywill impact local government; AND WHEREAS lands within local government jurisdictions are being transferred to First Nations with little or meaningless consultation with affected local governments land that must be integrated into the local government planning and development process and be dealt with in a manner that will contribute to First Nations and local government co-existing harmoniously as neighbours with existing communities: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Union of BC Municipalities urge the Province of British Columbia to establish and support a mutual education program to encourage understanding and foster positive relationships between First Nations and local governments; AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Province of British Columbia ensure that there is meaningful consultation with affected local governments from the outset of any initiative to transfer provincial lands to First Nations.

Provincial Response

MINISTRY OF ABORIGINAL RELATIONS RECONCILIATION The Province of British Columbia Province supports and encourages efforts that lead to improving understanding and building partnerships with Aboriginal people. Over the years, the Ministry of Aboriginal Relations and Reconcilliation MARR has been involved in a range of initiatives including: -continued funding in support of local government participation in treaty negotiations; -funding for treaty related measures and special projects intended to assist local governments to work with First Nations to build governance capacity and work on land settlements; -participation by negotiators in the Union of British Columbia Municipalities UBCM very successful Community-to-Community Forum program to facilitate relationship building for local governments and their First Nations neighbours; -funding assistance for the production of a Guide to Community-to-Community Forums, a resource that explains, promotes and encourages the program; and -a grant of 300,000 to assist and support the UBCM in building local governments awareness and understanding of First Nations treaty agreements. The Province has consulted with and involved local governments on matters related to provincial Crown land. The 2003 Memorandum of Understanding between the province and the UBCM sets out the principles for local government participation in the negotiation of treaties and other agreements including incremental agreements such as treaty-related measures. We are committed to continuing to seek the views and advice of local governments on land-related matters.

Convention Decision