Cardiac Surgery Angioplasty Unit in Kelowna

Okanagan-Similkameen RD

WHEREAS patients in the Interior of British Columbia requiring cardiac surgery and angioplasty must be transported by Air Ambulance to the Lower Mainland to receive treatment, creating a resource demand on these hospitals and an extreme financial hardship and emotional stress on patients and their families due to the current practice of discharging patients in the Lower Mainland and not from their originating hospital; AND WHEREAS performing these services at Kelowna General Hospital, which currently performs angiograms, would reduce health risk to the patient, reduce emotional and financial stress on families, reduce transportation costs and therefore reduce costs to the health system: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Union of BC Municipalities support the establishment of a cardiac surgery and angioplasty unit in Kelowna General Hospital.

Convention Decision
Not Admitted for Debate