Road Maintenance Specifications

Bulkley-Nechako RD

WHEREAS local governments recognize that a well-maintained road network is essential to the safety, reliability and economic viability of the region; AND WHEREAS Ministry of Transportation road maintenance classification specifications determine the level of service and performance time frames required to facilitate the safe and efficient movement of traffic on roadways within BC; AND WHEREAS the classification specifications have resulted in lower levels of service on the roads and highways in some areas of the region: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Union of BC Municipalities request that the Minister of Transportation review road maintenance classification specifications and enforce the terms of highway maintenance contracts in order that roads and highways receive adequate levels of service to ensure that they remain open and safe for communities, businesses, and the traveling public.

Provincial Response

MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION The Ministry of Transportation takes its commitment to provide a safe, effective transportation network very seriously, and the Ministry assures that our road classification system and specifications for maintenance have not resulted in a lower level of service. Ministry staff continuously monitor and audit the performance of our maintenance contractors during the winter months and throughout the year to ensure they meet our strict standards and provide good value for British Columbians. For more information about maintenance contracts, please go to…

Convention Decision
Endorsed as Amended