Domestic Violence Treatment Courts

Burns Lake

WHEREAS domestic violence rates are increasing in many rural northern communities; AND WHEREAS the existing justice system re-victimizes the victim: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Union of BC Municipalities lobby the provincial government to support the implementation of Domestic Violence Treatment Courts in communities where the framework exists for these models.

Provincial Response

MINISTRY OF ATTORNEY GENERAL The Province of British Columbia Province is committed to maintaining womens safety, supporting victims, witnesses and their families through the court process and holding offenders accountable. The Province recognizes the need for ministries and agencies to work collaboratively to ensure effective policies and services. Initiatives that are part of a framework to support courts in dealing with domestic violence include: -Probation officers in British Columbia receive comprehensive specialized training in the management of sentenced domestic violence offenders. -The corrections branch, Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General, provides a relationship violence prevention program to sentenced domestic violence offenders. -Research is underway to develop a position paper, Critical Elements of an Effective Specialised Response to Domestic Violence. -Domestic violence units in Vancouver, New Westminster, Richmond and Surrey, involving and Family Services of Greater Vancouver, provide case co-ordination, risk assessment, safety planning, accompaniment and support in high risk domestic violence matters. -Victim Services and community programs division of the Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General, with funding from Justice Canada, is piloting a new model of court support in Port Coquitlam. The model assists victims, witnesses and families in cases of seriousviolent criminal offences. -Vancouvers Downtown Community Court will integrate justice, health and social services for offenders in the downtown core. The Province is monitoring the outcomes of these initiatives.

Convention Decision