Coalbed Gas Licence


WHEREAS currently during coalbed gas exploration through to the production phase, the proponent is not required to report on the types and quantities of chemicals and hazardous materials being stored and utilized at the tenure sites; AND WHEREAS the current tenure and licensing processes do not require that the public be informed of those materials or related environmental, health and safety concerns regarding the storage and use of hazardous materials on-site: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that UBCM request that the Ministry of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources ensure that the coalbed gas developer provide information on any and all hazardous materialschemicals being used on-site prior to the granting of any licences and that information regarding those hazardous materials be made available to the public and posted on-site.

Provincial Response

MINISTRY OF ENERGY, MINES AND PETROLEUM RESOURCES Coalbed gas exploration has been conducted in British Columbia for many years in a safe manner and will continue to do so. The Ministry is committed to working with communities to understand the potential for coalbed gas, and to identify and resolve issues related to exploration and development. The Energy Plan requires best practices for the development of coalbed gas development such as no surface discharge of produced water. The Petroleum and Natural Gas Act Drilling and Production Regulations cover the operational aspects of preventing hazards to public health and safety or contaminating the environment. The public is invited to attend the public consultation process and become informed of hazardous materials, if there are any, and, on regulations, prior to an application or project being approved. These meetings are advertised in advance.

Convention Decision