Watershed Management

Dawson Creek

WHEREAS the provincial government has indicated that best practices and excellence are important to ensure resource development without environmental degradation; AND WHEREAS watersheds are essential to ensuring adequate, clean, clear water resources for the province: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the UBCM work with the provincial government to establish, nurture and fund local watershed management groups responsible for both bringing stakeholders together and establishing multiple use protocols and responsibilities that will ensure that high quality water will continue to be available to the people of British Columbia; AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the UBCM consider this to be one of its highest priorities.

Provincial Response

MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT Local watershed management groups are important partners in achieving the Provincial Governments goal of leading the world in sustainable environmental management, with the best air and water quality, and the best fisheries management bar none. The government has taken several steps to foster local watershed management groups by providing expertise or funding, or establishing processes for planning. For example, many provincial agencies provide outreach support, which enables local watershed management groups to better understand resource management and better protect source water. The Living Rivers Trust Fund has been established with a 21 million dollar commitment for the support of watershed protection and restoration. Strategic land use planning supports watershed management and provides an opportunity for citizen involvement through the inclusion of objectives in the plans that set out values to be protected or given special consideration through development. The Province of British Columbia has also expanded the regulatory framework to include provisions for water management planning to protect drinking water or resolve water conflicts or risks to water quality in critical areas of the province. Alternate water governance models are also being explored with a focus on ensuring local interests are considered in decisions. In concert with a local government, a watershed protection or aquifer protection group could play an important role in developing or implementing such a plan.

Convention Decision
Endorsed as Amended