Provincially Mandated Water Use Plans

Peace River RD

WHEREAS the Province mandates to industry that specific plans and studies must be completed; AND WHEREAS BC Hydro is required to develop water use plans for many of its hydro facilities: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Union of British Columbia Municipalities lobby the provincial government to commit to reviewing and adopting BC Hydro water use plans in a timely manner.

Provincial Response

MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT The Water Use Planning situation should be repeated: 19 of BC Hydros 23 proposed Water Use Plans have been reviewed, adopted and implemented, the most recent being the Peace River Water Use Plan implemented on August 9, 2007. The Site C situation should be clarified. No application has been received for the licensing of Site C. Any proposed structure at Site C would have no effect on the upstream Peace Canyon and W.A.C. Bennett dams. Site C would be subjected to an Environmental Assessment process which would take into consideration the same sorts of issues a water use plan does, including discussions with First Nations, communities and the Province of Alberta.

Other Response

BC HYDRO Although Resolution B147 refers specifically to provincial government action on Water Use Plans WUPs, I am pleased to provide background information regarding WUPs and the status of BC Hydro WUP implementation. Water use planning is an example of sustainable work in practice at BC Hydro. The overall goal is to find a better balance between competing uses of water such as domestic water supply, fish and wildlife, recreation, heritage and electrical power needs that is environmentally, socially and economically acceptable to British Columbians. Water Use Plans have been developed for most of BC Hydros hydroelectric facilities through a consultative planning process involving participants such as government agencies, First Nations, local citizens and other interested parties. The provincial Comptroller of Water Rights reviews the draft WUP under the provisions of British Columbias Water Act. A key component of the Comptrollers review is to refer the draft WUP to Fisheries and Oceans Canada, provincial agencies, First Nations and holders of water licenses who might be affected by the plans. The Comptroller orders the operational changes, monitoring studies and physical works through a Section 88 Order under the Water Act. Information on the implementation is posted on our website at: www.bchydro.comenvironmentwaterusewateruse30860.html. Orders have been received from the Comptroller for 20 of 23 submitted WUPs. The most recent order was fro the Peace River WUP, dated August 9, 2007. We are awaiting orders for Duncan Dam, Bridge River and Campbell River. The Alouette WUP is undergoing a 10-year review and Columbia WUP is under revision to accommodate the changes in operations with the addition of a fifth generating unit at the Revelstoke Dam. We understand that decisions for most of these outstanding WUPs are expected before the end of the year. The operational changes are implemented within 60 days following receipt of the Order. BC Hydro must submit detailed terms of Reference to the Comptroller for each study and physical work within a specified time frame, I.e. from 3 to 12 months. The comptroller will review the Terms of Reference and authorize the work through a Leave to Commerce. It is at this time that the work can proceed.

Convention Decision