Vacant Contaminated Sites

Dawson Creek

WHEREAS UBCM resolutions 1996-ER5, 2001-B76 and 2005-B21 have not been implemented to this date; AND WHEREAS vacant sites that may have real or suspected environmental contamination and are commonly located along transportation corridors in local governments have deteriorated in many cases and become an important economic loss as well as an eyesore to communities: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Union of British Columbia Municipalities request that the provincial government amend Part 4 of the Environmental Management Act to require that, upon application by a local government, the Ministry of Environment will order remediation of contaminated sites.

Provincial Response

MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT The Province of British Columbia is contemplating a package of potential amendments to the Environmental Management Act that would support brownfield redevelopment - this resolution will be carefully considered as part of this package. MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE LANDS This resolution identifies one of many tools that could be used to ensure that brownfields are remediated and redeveloped. The Province of British Columbia, through the Ministry of Environment, is contemplating a package of potential amendments to the Environmental Management Act that would support brownfield redevelopment - this resolution will be carefully considered as part of this package. A similar resolution was also responded to by the Ministry of Environment as resolution B29.

Convention Decision