Support for Combined Laboratory X-ray Technicians


WHEREAS there is a verified need throughout rural British Columbia for Combined Laboratory X-Ray Technicians in small health centres and clinics; AND WHEREAS Selkirk College has submitted a proposal to both the Ministry of Advanced Education and the Ministry of Health to be the provincial provider of CLXT training with the support of the Interior Heath Authority and other health authorities in the province: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Union of BC Municipalities support the Combined Laboratory X-Ray Technician training program proposal developed by Selkirk College, and request that the provincial government provide the funding necessary for the program as proposed.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Advanced Education Ministry of Health The Ministry of Health MoH has been working with the health authorities to estimate the future need for CLXT professionals. It appears that the majority will be needed in the Interior Health Authority and the Northern Health Authority, with smaller numbers in the Vancouver Island Health Authority. Immediate and short term needs have been identified and the MoH and the health authorities continue to look at the potential long term needs. The Ministry of Advanced Education MoAE is responsible for developing education strategies that help address the identified health human resource needs and for making decisions on funding new health education programs. The Selkirk College proposal for a new CLXT diploma program is therefore being reviewed in light of the provincial demand and other program considerations. The MoH and MoAE are reviewing options for meeting the demand for CLXTs in British Columbia, one of which is the proposed Selkirk College CLXT program.

Convention Decision