Destination Marketing Organizations


WHEREAS many British Columbia communities are working to develop the tourism potential in their regions; AND WHEREAS tourism marketing costs for resort areas and rural remote regions of British Columbia encourage and necessitate the development of cooperative community marketing organizations or Destination Marketing Organizations: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that non-profit, community marketing organizations be exempt under Section 2 of the Travel Industry Regulation and not require licensing as outlined by the Business Practices and Consumer Protection Authority, in its definition of Travel Agents.

Provincial Response

MINISTRY OF TOURISM, SPORT AND THE ARTS The Act and Regulation clearly apply to local governments and their related Destination Marketing Organizations DMOs where they operate as travel agents providing travel services. The Business Practices and Consumer Protection Authority has correctly applied the legislation to KCDSFTV, and it would be inappropriate to exempt local governments and their DMOs because an exemption would confer an unfair benefit on them vis--vis private sector travel agents, and because it would remove statutory protection for consumers. Major DMOs such as Tourism British Columbia TBC, Tourism Vancouver, Tourism Victoria, Tourism Prince George are all licensed British Columbia travel agents. TBC has also agreed to continue working with local governments through their community development offices regarding travel agency licensing requirements.

Convention Decision