Raising Service Levels of Certain Class 2b Highways


WHEREAS most provincial highways outside of the Lower Mainland in the Province of BC are classified as Class 2B highways, which do not receive the same level of service as Class 1A highways; AND WHEREAS these highways are often important arteries between communities for health care, education, services and commerce, which in cases of inclement weather combined with inadequate services may either be closed or dangerous to travelers, thereby isolating communities and discouraging vehicular traffic: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Union of British Columbia Municipalities appeal to the provincial government to upgrade the classification of those Class 2B highways clearly providing vital, programmatic, and dependency-based links for health, education, service, and commerce between rural communities.

Provincial Response

MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION The provincial transportation highway system is classified according to the volume of traffic it receives on a daily basis. Summer classification is referenced by numbers 1 through 8. Winter classification is referenced by letters A through F. In the Golden area, the Trans Canada Hwy 1 is classified as 2A. To define this, roads receiving 5,000 to 10,000 vehicles, average daily traffic in the summer season which generally extends from April 1st to October 31st, are classified as 2. As this highway is a high volume traffic and commuter route, and has over 5,000 vehicles on a winter average daily count, its winter classification is A. The volumes of traffic, on an average daily basis, are not sufficient to warrant a 1A classification. Despite this though, the Golden area has the highest possible classification of winter maintenance. The 2A Classification of the Trans Canada Hwy 1 in the Golden area supports the ministrys recognition that this area of the province is part of the link that provides essential services to communities throughout the Province of British Columbia.

Convention Decision