Reinstate Ambulance Service Staffing Levels


WHEREAS the provision of ambulance service is vital to citizens of all local governments; AND WHEREAS the staffing of full-time paramedics at ambulance stations is deemed necessary to meet the needs of these communities: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the provincial government ensure that ambulance services throughout the province are adequately staffed and capable of providing the same level of quality service to citizens of all BC local governments.

Provincial Response

BC Ambulance Service Ministry of Health Moving from pager to standby: In November, 2004, a Memorandum of Agreement MOA was signed between the Emergency and Health Services Commission and the Ambulance Paramedics of BC CUPE Local 873. The MOA permitted vacant full-time positions to be reclassified to standby and the savings redirected towards enhanced service delivery. In 2005, 48 remote ambulance stations were upgraded to rural designation with paramedics standing by at stations 247, at the rate of 10.00 per hour, and increased to their full paramedic rate for a minimum of three hours when called to respond. The previous deployment model involved a blended approach to staffing, with some paramedics working full-time and others on pager. The introduction of the standby shift for one ambulance per rural station has improved the average response time by approximately 15 per cent in rural communicates throughout BC. The second ambulance at the rural station is staffed by paramedics on pager. Paramedic pay on pagers: Paramedics working in remote stations and those in rural stations who are on pager, not standby are paid 2 per hour to carry a pager and be available to respond to an emergency call. When called out, they receive a minimum of four hours pay at their hourly paramedic rate. Prior to 2001, paramedics working in remote stations received no on call pay. Full-time vs part-time unit chief position in rural stations: A review of the unit chief position has been underway for several months and a decision on next steps is expected soon. While the MOA included the provision to achieve cost savings through attrition of full-time positions to part-time at rural stations, BCAS has not made any permanent staffing adjustments to date. All positions have continued to be filled by staff receiving full pay for all hours. All unit chief duties have been performed by paramedics who have been assigned the acting unit chief role. Increased funding over the four years means more staff, more equipment The budget has been increased by 57 percent in the last six years. The budget for the BC Ambulance Service is 283.5 million in 200708 vs 181 million in 200102. Between 200304 and 200607, the number of pre-hospital ground events, including responses to emergencies, has increased by almost 90,000, from 432,283 to 521,000 events. The number of air ambulance events has increased by almost 880 from 7,416 to 8,295. Since 200102, the number of hours of service provided by paramedics and dispatchers has increased by 36 percent to meet this increased demand. The total number of paramedics and dispatchers has increased by 915 from 2,436 to 3,351. Since 200102, the total number of ambulances and support units has increased from 463 to 506. Response Times: Response times have improved by an average of 15 per cent in rural communities throughout the province through the addition of the 247 standby model in 2005. In urban centres, response times have remained stable since fiscal 200203. Response times in Kimberley This community was upgraded to rural from remote and to stand by from pager. They have seen response times for emergency events lights and sirens improve by almost 24 per cent in the past three years. In 200405, the average response time for 359 emergency events was 13 minutes, 53 seconds. In 200607, the average response time for 336 emergency events was 10 minutes, 36 seconds. Determining station designation: The main criteria used in reviewing the designations included: call volumes, geography, remoteness, proximity to other ambulance stations and health authority designation of facilities that are in the area.

Convention Decision
Endorsed as Amended