Geoduck Farming

Sunshine Coast RD

WHEREAS the Special Committee on Sustainable Aquaculture, which was established to examine, inquire into and make recommendations with respect to Sustainable Aquaculture in British Columbia, including the economic and environmental impacts of the aquaculture industry in BC, has not yet reported back to government with its findings; AND WHEREAS the Province has approved commercial geoduck farms without the benefit of the findings of the Committee; AND WHEREAS the environmental impact of geoduck farming is still unknown: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Province provide local governments with the scientific information that would provide the rationale for the provincial governments decision to proceed with commercial geoduck farming.

Provincial Response

MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE, LANDS The Ministry of Agriculture and Lands Ministry does not share the perspective that the environmental impact of geoduck farming is still unknown. The Interim Geoduck Aquaculture Policy was the result of over 15 years of collaborative research and analysis which evaluated technical feasibility and environmental sustainability. The Ministry is of the view that responsibly located and managed subtidal geoduck aquaculture is an environmentally benign activity and any environmental impact associated with the activity can be mitigated. The Ministry would be pleased to provide references to research and analysis which has taken place in British Columbia and other jurisdictions that have led to these conclusions. Local governments seeking this information should contact: Bill Heath, PhD. P.Ag. Shellfish Production Specialist Ministry of Agriculture and Lands 2500 Cliffe Ave Courtenay BC V9N5M6 The Ministry is also of the view that while there is sufficient information to support subtidal geoduck culture, it is sufficiently different from intertidal geoduck culture that further information is required regarding this culture technique prior to considering large-scale licensing of intertidal geoduck culture.

Convention Decision