WHEREAS the current federal legislation governing the telecommunications industry and, in particular, the use of local government and provincial lands and streets, is complex and results in a subsidy to telecommunications companies from local government and provincial taxpayers; AND WHEREAS the recent report from the Telecommunications Policy Review Panel established by the federal Minister of Industry has recommended significant changes to the Telecommunications Act, which will increase the level of regulation imposed upon local governments in dealing with the use of public lands by telecommunication companies: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Office of the Premier and the Minister of State for Intergovernmental Affairs be invited to join with the UBCM and ask the federal Minister of Industry to consult with local governments and provinces on contemplated changes to the federal Telecommunications Act in order to restore the ability for local governments and provinces to adequately manage telecommunication companies use of public lands.
Ministry of Labour Citizens Services The Province of British Columbia Province supports the Telecommunications Policy Review Panels recommendation that the federal government issue a policy statement detailing the steps it intends to take as it proceeds with the reform of the Canadian telecommunications industry. The Province has requested that, before the federal government initiates any reforms that may have a direct impact on the Provinces or municipalities including changes to the Telecommunications Act, it first consult with them and address their concerns.
MINISTER OF INDUSTRY I have read this resolution with interest, and have noted the UBCMs desire to restore the ability of local governments and provinces to manage the use of public lands by telecommunication companies.