Authority to WaiveReduce DCCs for Adaptable Housing Standards

Maple Ridge

WHEREAS pursuant to Division 10, the Development Costs Recovery part of the Local Government Act and, more specifically, in respect of Section 93312, granting authority whereby a local government may provide assistance by waiving or reducing a charge under this section for not for profit rental housing, including supportive living housing: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Section 93312 of the Local Government Act be expanded to provide for the waiving or reducing of a charge in support of residential building construction incorporating adaptable housing standards.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Community Services Development Cost Charges DCCs are monies collected from land developers by local governments to recover some of the infrastructure costs associated with new development. The Ministry of Community Services Ministry will consult with the Development Finance Review Committee DFRC to determine if DCCs or any other development finance tool would be an appropriate method for encouraging building construction incorporating Adaptable Housing Standards. The DFRC is an advisory committee chaired by the Ministry with members from local government, the Province of British Columbia Province and the development community. The issue of building regulations for adaptable housing standards will be examined by the Adaptable Housing Working Group AHWG, composed of members from the Province, local government and the development community. The purpose of the AHWG is to develop specific recommendations on how provincial building regulations could accommodate local government desires for adaptable housing standards.

Convention Decision