Kelowna Accord

Powell River City

WHEREAS the Transformative Change Accord between the Government of British Columbia, the Government of Canada, and the Leadership Council representing the First Nations of British Columbia is a tripartite agreement that sets out actions and processes to close the social and economic gap between First Nations and other British Columbians over the next 10 years, reconcile aboriginal rights and title with those of the Crown, and establish a new relationship based upon mutual respect and recognition; AND WHEREAS the Federal Budget does not identify a multi-year commitment crucial to achieving the goals and objectives of the Accord: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Union of BC Municipalities urge the federal government to identify long-term funding to ensure the objectives of the Kelowna Accord are met.

Federal Response

MINISTRY OF INDIAN AFFAIRS AND NORTHERN DEVELOPMENT AND FEDERAL INTERLOCUTOR FOR METIS AND NON STATUS INDIANS The Government of Canada supports many of the national objectives outlined at the First Ministers Meeting in Kelowna. At the First Ministers meeting, the Government of Canada, along with the Province of British Columbia and the First Nations, signed the Transformative Change Accord. The government of Canada is supportive of improving relationships with First Nations and their organizations, and in closing the gaps in education, housing, health and economic opportunities, as well as in other areas. Progress is being made, and I am especially pleased to highlight the passage of legislation supporting the Education Jurisdiction Framework Agreement, which will strengthen First Nations capacity to exercise control over their education systems. A number of initiatives have also been set in motion to address quality of life issues, for example, an action plan with respect to potable water and sewage treatment in First Nations communities, and substantial financial support toward initiatives for education, women, children and families, as well as water ad housing on reserve. My colleagues, the Honourable Tony Clement, Minister of Health, announced pilot projects to establish wait time guarantees for diabetes and pre-natal care in First Nations communities, and signed, with the Assembly of First Nations, a joint work plan developed by a newly formed Task Group that aims to improve the effectiveness of the First Nations health system over the short and long terms. Steps have been taken to empower First Nation individuals, including a national consultation process on the division of matrimonial real property on reserve and the introduction of legislation to repeal section 67 of the Canadian Human Rights Act, an important step to ensuring that all Canadians have equal access to human rights protections.

Convention Decision