Fuel Management Wildfire Plan


WHEREAS local governments understand the need for community buy-in for fuel management on lands adjoining their communities, but have some concerns around taking the lead in such a project, as per the Operational Fuel Management Program; AND WHEREAS the issue of the right to work on Crown land is questionable and municipal liability issues with regard to staff working outside of their boundary areas have not been resolved: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the UBCM request that the provincial government fully research the implications of local government taking a lead role in fuel management on Crown land and find potential solutions to these concerns so that they can be incorporated into any strategic wildfire protection program activities.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Forests Range Minister Responsible for Housing An independent review of fuel management initiatives is already under way through the Union of British Columbia Municipalities UBCM. The consultant hired by the UBCM to conduct the review will look at all aspects of the program, including liability. The Ministry of Forests and Range and Minister Responsible for Housing Ministry is continuing to work with communities when it comes to moving ahead with fuel management activities. Government is implementing all the recommendations of the Filmon review and the Auditor General on interface fire management. In Summer 2006, the Ministry introduced a new type of tenure to facilitate fuel management treatments.

Convention Decision
Endorsed and Referred to UBCM Executive
Executive Decision
Presidents Committee to pursue matter with Province in relation to Strategic Wildfire Prevention Initiative under Local Government Program Services.