Authority to Waive or Reduce Development Cost Charges

Maple Ridge

WHEREAS pursuant to Division 10, the Development Costs Recovery part of the Local Government Act and, more specifically, in respect of Section 93312, granting authority whereby a local government may provide assistance by waiving or reducing a charge under this section for not for profit rental housing, including supportive living housing; AND WHEREAS innovative development standards, such as green infrastructure and buildings can result in lower impact solutions to the economic, social and ecological impacts of buildings and infrastructure that cost municipalities, residents, and businesses much less over the long term: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Section 93312 of the Local Government Act be expanded to provide for the waiving or reducing of a charge in support of building construction incorporating LEED Canada NC Rating System or acceptable equivalent that might apply to single family development.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Community Services Local governments have the ability to vary Development Cost Charge DCCs rates for green development assuming there is a different capital cost burden imposed by this type of development. Section 934 of the Local Government Act authorises local government to vary development cost charges for different classes of development with different capital costs. Waiving DCCs for green development is not specifically provided for in the legislation. The Ministry of Community Services Ministry is currently reviewing how existing development finance tools, including DCCs, can be used to facilitate the development of sustainable infrastructure and buildings. The best practices developed as a result of this review will be incorporated into the Development Finance Choices Guide and the Development Cost Charge Best Practices Guide. As part of its review, the Ministry is looking at how enhanced development standards contribute to reducing infrastructure costs. Any changes to local government development finance best practices, policy or legislation is developed in consultation with the Development Finance Review Committee chaired by the Ministry.

Convention Decision