Public Recreation Access to Foreshore

Capital RD

WHEREAS there is growing demand by residents and visitors for public recreational access to foreshore in unincorporated areas by means of foreshore access lands presently vested in the Province under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Transportation; AND WHEREAS these foreshore access lands are acquired by the Ministry of Transportation pursuant to Section 75 of the Land Title Act with no associated obligation to develop and maintain them for public use, whereas regional districts are vested with responsibility for provision of local parks and recreational amenities in unincorporated areas: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Ministry of Transportation establish policies and procedures for the purpose of transferring to local governments such public foreshore access lands as may be identified by such local governments as being desirable for public recreational foreshore access; AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that such transfers be by means of free Crown grant, conversion to park dedication or alternative secure tenure option.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Transportation The above referenced foreshore access lands are road rights of way administered by the Ministry of Transportation Ministry. Much as with other rights of way, these may be used for a wide range of purposes: pedestrian or vehicle access, utilities, emergency response, access to land parcels. The Province of British Columbia Province also has interests in the overall development of the road network and in ensuring access to all parcels of land and bodies of water. The Ministry has a policy to retain these accesses to water for public use. This does not preclude development of the right of way by the Ministry or others for enhanced use. The Ministry welcomes local input into management plans for situations where there is local interest. In some cases management agreements have been established between local governments or organizations and the Ministry. This serves to meet the administrative responsibilities of the Ministry while accommodating specific interests in use of the roads by others.

Convention Decision
Endorsed as Amended