School District Consultation with Local Government in Major Decisions Affecting Schools

North Okanagan RD

WHEREAS schools contribute to the fibre and sustainability of their respective communities; AND WHEREAS major School District policy decisions such as school closures, sale andor lease of property have a profound and lasting effect on communities; AND WHEREAS there is no formal requirement or process to involve and engage residents and local government officials in such decisions: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Ministry of Education not require the sale or lease of school properties that could serve another community use.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Education Under the School Opening and Closure Order, which came into effect October 24, 2002, school boards must develop and implement a policy that includes a public consultation process with respect to permanent school closures and this policy must be made available to the public. In addition, the School Community Connections Program, established in April 2004, is jointly managed by the BC School Trustees Association and the Union of BC Municipalities, on behalf of the Ministry of Education Ministry. This program, developed to encourage partnerships between school boards and local governments, provides for the revitalization and expanded utilization of schools as centres for community learning and activity. The three components of the program include: assisting potential partners in exploring ways to collaborate on projects; facilitating planning activities for the identified project; and assisting communities in taking their concept from planning to reality. There are already a number of innovative partnerships underway in the province. The Ministry is certainly interested in the best use of capital assets that are taxpayer funded. We are currently looking at the capital process to see if we are making the highest and best use of these investments.

Convention Decision
Endorsed as Amended