Disposal of Tires

Thompson-Nicola RD

WHEREAS haulers and processors of scrap tires have indicated that they intend to impose a tipping and hauling fee on local government operators of landfills for the removal of tires marshalled at landfills, citing increased operational costs coupled with inadequate compensation from the Financial Incentives for Recycling Scrap Tires FIRST Program managed by the Province; AND WHEREAS local government and landfill operators will be forced to pass these fees on to landfill users to cover these additional costs, resulting in double taxation namely the Environmental Fee now imposed by the Province and the local government tipping fee; AND WHEREAS the imposition of tipping fees may lead to a resurgence in illegal dumping of scrap tires: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Union of BC Municipalities lobby the provincial government to increase compensation to haulers and processors of scrap tires so that they are able to remain financially viable leading up to the transition of a true Extended Producer Responsibility Program for scrap tires.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Environment In 2004, the Government of British Columbia Government provided a 15 increase in the incentives provided through the Financial Incentives for Recycling Scrap Tires program. The Province of British Columbia Province is not considering a further increase in the incentive rates prior to transitioning the program to industry in January 2007. On March 30th, 2006, the Province approved an amendment to add tires to the Recycling Regulation. The regulation makes producers responsible for implementing a product stewardship program, including the financing of a collection system. When the tire producers implement their program they will have to ensure that the collection system is adequately funded and consumers have reasonable and free access to collection facilities.

Convention Decision