Cross-Border Environmental Impacts Air Quality Agreement


WHEREAS the federal governments of Canada and the United States have entered into an Air Quality Agreement to address air pollution that flows across the Canada-USA international boundary, committing both countries to consult on any activities that might cause significant trans-boundary air pollution and to take steps to avoid or mitigate these risks; AND WHEREAS the United States has implemented its part of Annex 1, Part 4 of the Agreement and Canada has not completed implementation of the Agreement: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Union of BC Municipalities urge the Federal Government of Canada to implement its responsibilities under the Clean Air Accord and encourage the Provincial Government of BC to endorse and move forward with the ozone and particulate matter annex of the Clean Air Accord between BC and Washington State and participate in its implementation, in order to ensure that the interests of Canadas residents and communities are defined and presented as part of any future trans-boundary air quality decision making process.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Environment CanadaU.S. Air Quality Agreement The Canada-United States Air Quality Agreement Agreement was signed on March 13, 1991 to address trans-boundary air pollution leading to acid rain. The Ozone Annex was added to the Canada-United States Air Quality Agreement December 2000 to address the trans-boundary air pollution leading to high air quality levels of ground-level ozone, a major component of smog. The long-term goal of the Ozone Annex is the attainment of the ozone air quality standards in both countries. The geographical application of the Annex at this time is Eastern North America, and as such, does not apply to the Province of British Columbia Province The Province was instrumental in convincing the Parties to the Agreement to leave open the possibility for the development of a western component to any future Annex involving fine particulate matter and ozone. Western Component There has been ongoing discussion since 2000 of the possible development of an Annex to the Canada-U.S. Air Quality Agreement that could include a western component addressing particulate matter PM and ozone. These discussions have now focused on the potential for a new PM Annex. Most jurisdictions are in an information-gathering mode to determine what benefits and obligations would be associated with this. Further work and consultation with other partners will be required to determine the feasibility of proceeding with negotiations. Inter-agency discussions about the possibility of developing a western component to a PM Annex have primarily occurred through the Georgia Basin-Puget Sound International Airshed Strategy, an international effort to address shared air quality management concerns. Georgia Basin-Puget Sound International Airshed Strategy The Georgia Basin-Puget Sound GB-PS International Airshed Strategy aims to achieve the following through international and regional co-operation and collaboration: o Reduce the impacts of air pollution to human health, ecosystems, and visibility in the GB-PS airshed; o Prevent future deterioration and work towards continuous improvement of air quality in the GB-PS region; and, o Establish practical and effective instruments to address shared concerns regarding trans-boundary air pollution in the GB-PS region.

Convention Decision
Endorsed as Amended