Special Resolution to Amend the 1982 Special Resolution on Handling of Resolutions

UBCM Executive

WHEREAS according to the 1982 Special Resolution on Handling of Resolutions, a resolution can only be withdrawn from the B1 or B3 block for individual debate at the initiation of the sponsor thereof; AND WHEREAS it has been suggested by some UBCM members that the power to withdraw a resolution from the Section B1 or B3 block for individual discussion should be extended to all voting delegates: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the 1982 Special Resolution on Handling of Resolutions be amended so that the phrase at the initiation of the sponsor thereof is replaced with at the initiation of a voting delegate, in order to extend the power to withdraw a resolution from the B1 or B3 block to all voting delegates in attendance during resolutions and policy sessions at the annual UBCM Convention; AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that such change take effect immediately at the 2006 UBCM Convention.

Convention Decision