Annual Safety Inspections of Commercial Vehicles


WHEREAS there have been a number of truck accidents resulting in serious injury and damage due to faulty brake systems; AND WHEREAS there is no provincial program for annual safety inspections of commercial vehicles: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the provincial government establish a program requiring an annual safety inspection for all commercial vehicles with a gross vehicle weight of more than 4,500 kg.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Transportation The Province of British Columbia recognizes the importance of commercial vehicle safety. All commercial vehicles with a licensed gross vehicle weight greater than 8,200 kg are required to have either semi-annual or annual vehicle inspections. The regular vehicle inspection programs are delivered through authorized inspectors at provincially-designated inspection facilities. There were approximately 170,000 commercial vehicle inspections carried out in 2005 by authorized inspectors at designated inspection facilities under the requirements of the Commercial Vehicle Inspection Program. Commercial vehicles having a gross vehicle weight less than 8,200 kg are not included in regular inspection programs. However, commercial vehicles between 5,000 kg and 8,200 kg are required to have safety plans and are carefully monitored through the National Safety Code. All commercial vehicles, regardless of weight, are subject to random roadside inspections by commercial vehicle inspectors. In 2005, there were almost 19,000 commercial vehicles inspected through this program. This flexible and random approach ensures that industry maintains its commitment to safety at all times.

Convention Decision