Facilities for Release of Offenders

Cowichan Valley RD

WHEREAS offenders, both young and otherwise, require release on a gradual basis back into society; AND WHEREAS these offenders require facilities and services that would allow for safe and responsible re-entry into society: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that senior levels of government, both elected and administrative, create facilities through a clear and consultative process with communities in a manner that both recognizes and balances the rights of the individual and the community.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Children and Family Development The Ministry of Children and Family Development MCFD is responsible for the operation of youth custody centres and the community supervision of young offenders, while the Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General MPSSG is responsible for the supervision and incarceration of adult offenders in British Columbia who are serving provincial sentences. Youth and adult offenders are discharged from custody back to the community upon completion of their custodial sentence, in accordance with law. MCFD has a variety of programs and services in place to provide support and supervision to youth returning to the community. Adult offenders, in all but a few instances, do not require specialized supervision or placement in specialized facilities upon release. Where an offender subject to lawful release poses a high risk to re-offend, a public notification may be issued to advise the public of the release and of the court imposed conditions to which the offender must abide. In the case of young offenders, such notifications must first be approved by the court. For adult offenders, public notification is an administrative determination. When a released offender, youth or adult, takes steps to mitigate a risk to public safety by complying with court-ordered conditions, supervision plans, treatment or counseling, and a stable and safe living situation, a public notification may not be issued. The ministries will determine an offenders risk to re-offend and will, in consultation with other public safety agencies and service providers, determine an appropriate supervision plan that addresses public safety concerns. When offenders require residential facilities and services to enable their safe return to the community, the ministries, wherever practical, will select offender-appropriate resources that are already established within the community. In cases where a new resource is being developed, the ministries will take steps to determine that these facilities comply with applicable zoning and by-law requirements and are licensed in accordance with appropriate provincial, regional district, city or municipal authority. Wherever possible, the Ministries will release offenders to their home community.

Convention Decision