Provincial Welfare Policy


WHEREAS unprecedented new provincial laws: 1 limit the time people classified as employable can collect Income Assistance to 24 months of every 60 months and reduce benefits for families with children; and 2 deny some people income assistance absolutely, given the two year independence test; AND WHEREAS the Province made a dramatic last minute adjustment in policy to reduce the number of employable welfare recipients who would be cut off welfare in the coming year but has not changed the law itself, leaving recipients open to more severe policy and cuts in future; AND WHEREAS the people potentially affected are among the poorest and most vulnerable in our society, and are already struggling to deal with the impacts of cuts to other federal and provincial programs and services: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Union of British Columbia Municipalities urge the provincial government to rescind the laws introducing income assistance time limits and reducing benefits.

Provincial Response

MINISTRY OF HUMAN RESOURCES Time limits were introduced as part of the governments new emphasis on employment and personal responsibility. Time limits motivate employable clients to find a job as quickly as possible and to stay employed. The time limit policy is designed to ensure that no one who is unable to work or who is actively looking for work will lose assistance even after they have reached their time limit. Exemptions to time limits include persons with disabilities, pregnant women, single parents with young children, people in a special care facility or people with a drug or alcohol problem. Clients face time limit sanctions only if they are capable of working and choose not to follow through on their legally binding employment plan, refuse a job or quit a job without just cause. Clients who actively look for work and follow the steps outlined in their employment plan will not face time limit sanctions and will continue to receive full support and shelter even after receiving income assistance for a cumulative two years out of five.

Convention Decision
Referred to UBCM Executive
Executive Decision