Provincial Energy Efficiency Programs

Nanaimo RD

WHEREAS the Government of BC has discontinued the successful LiveSmart BC residential efficiency incentive program, shifting support to product based incentives offered through major utilities; AND WHEREAS this program shift results in the loss of funding for comprehensive actions recommended through home energy assessments, and a reduced understanding of the overall energy performance of a home: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that UBCM request the Province ensure incentives remain available for comprehensive actions to address overall residential energy efficiency, including incentives for home energy assessments and post-retrofit evaluations.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Energy Mines The Home Energy Rebate Offer HERO was launched in 2014 by BC Hydro and FortisBC to help homeowners reduce their energy bills and improve the comfort of their homes through energy retrofits. Under HERO, a pre and post retro fit EnerGuide home evaluation is required to access the 750 Bonus Offer where participants can implement three or more eligible measures and receive 750 in rebates and is also required to access the up to 500 in rebates for draft proofing measures. The Ministry is encouraging expanded use of energy evaluations and facilitating discussion with Natural Resources Canada on adoption of their new Home Energy Rating system utilizing the existing certified energy advisor network. In the current fiscal plan, the Ministry does not have a budget allocation to re-enter the market with a government incentive program. The Ministry does, however, work closely with utilities on program design to optimize their incentive offerings.

Convention Decision