Pedestrian and Cycling Pathways Along Rural Road Rights-of-way

Cowichan Valley RD

Whereas the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure has formally recognized the importance of mobility alternatives in achieving transportation goals pertaining to reduced greenhouse-gas emissions and promotion of healthy lifestyles; And whereas rural communities are experiencing growing populations that rely on road infrastructure not suited to mobility options: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM request the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure to demonstrate the Provinces commitment to walking and cycling infrastructure in rural areas by giving regional governments the option of participating in the planning and development of regional walking and cycling transport networks and infrastructure within Ministry road rights-of-way.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure Government is strongly supportive of regional governments participating in the planning and development of regional walking and cycling networks. The Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure is committed to providing mobility choices and enhancing safety for all road users. The Ministry has worked closely with regional districts and municipalities on cycling and walking network planning, and has issued permits for regional governments to construct off-road trails within highway rights of way in the past and will continue to do so. BC on the Move, our 10 year Transportation Plan, contains a commitment to invest 18 million over its first 3 years in partnership funding to support regional cycling projects to encourage cycling and walking for commuting, recreation and tourism. To further accelerate the creation of cycling infrastructure, the Ministry announced at UBCM an additional 2 million in funding for the 201718 BikeBC program. This increases the BC on the Move commitment to 20 million. The Ministry also announced that the call for applications would be moved forward to provide local governments a longer construction period.

Convention Decision
Endorsed as Amended