Municipal Soil Removal Fees Increase

Maple Ridge

WHEREAS Municipal Soil Removal Bylaws approved by the Province of British Columbia have set fees that have remained largely unchanged over the past two decades; AND WHEREAS the costs associated with addressing the impacts of aggregate related truck traffic has increased over that period of time: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the provincial government consider approving an increase to soil removal fees to reflect the true cost of the impacts of aggregate removal on municipalities.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources There is currently a legal provision and process in place for a municipality to adjust soil removal fees. Subject to the approval of the Minister of Community Development, Section 195 of the Community Charter provides for a municipality to impose rates or levels of fees related to soil removal and deposit. Normally, individual municipalities submit Soil Removal and Deposit bylaws to the Minister of Community Development for review and approval. Additionally, if the UBCM chooses to make a general recommendation that fees be increased, a key factor in this issue is the endorsement of the aggregate industry. As of August 25, 2008, according to Mr. Paul Allard, Executive Director of the Aggregate Producers Association of British Columbia AGPABC, the association has not been contacted in regards to the proposed fee increase. UBCM is dealing with this provincially, rather than at the individual municipal level, therefore, the AGPABC should be advised of the proposed increase.

Convention Decision