Internet Access in Public Libraries


WHEREAS public library services are crucial in fostering life long learning for all, are especially important in difficult economic times, and the Minister of Education has announced a legislative review of the Library Act which is intended to encourage the extension and use of public library service throughout British Columbia; AND WHEREAS the provision of free access to the internet in public libraries is essential to ensure equity of access for all to this important source of information and access to government services: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Union of BC Municipalities recommend that free resident access to the internet through public libraries be mandated in the Library Act.

Provincial Response

MINISTRY OF EDUCATION Phase 1 of a seven-phase legislative review began in September 2008 with an invitation to stakeholders to submit briefs on the specific issues or approaches they would like to see addressed during the legislative review. All briefs were received by early March 2009 and are being reviewed. Section 46 of the Library Act enshrines free basic public library service for all British Columbians. Notably, briefs submitted in Phase 1 of the review declared overwhelming support for this principle. Briefs also demonstrated clear support for the inclusion of free Internet access within the scope of the Library Act as just one component in the overall effort to reflect new technologies in a modernized legislative framework. We appreciate UBCMs endorsement of this principle and do not foresee any issues with its incorporation into redrafted legislation.

Convention Decision