Whereas illegal dumping of waste on private and crown land continues to be an issue across the Province resulting in unsightly, unsanitary and potentially dangerous refuse deposits in natural rural areas that should be protected and preserved for public enjoyment in supernatural British Columbia; And whereas the problem of illegal dumping is an area of shared jurisdiction between multiple provincial ministries including Environment and Forest, Lands, and Natural Resource Operations, which results in decreased accountability and gaps in service: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM request the provincial government to designate a single ministry as responsible for regulation of illegal dumping in the province, including enforcement of said regulations and cleanup and removal of dumped waste; And be it further resolved that UBCM respectfully request that the Province provide adequate funding to the designated ministry to ensure minimum staffing levels can be maintained in all areas of the province to address the issue of illegal dumping.
Ministry of Environment Climate Change Strategy The Conservation Officer Service COS participates with representatives from the Peace River Regional District PRRD, and the Ministry of Forest, Lands, and Natural Resource Operations, Natural Resource Officer NRO on a working group to address issues. The COS assists with public education and Report All Poachers and Polluters RAPP signs and since April, COs and NROs have added chronic areas to their patrol plans. The COS will continue to use the zone deployment model to increase effectiveness. This model enables conservation officers to work remotely from their patrol vehicles and provide response anywhere in the zone depending on the priority of the call.