Funding Formula for Education in Rural Communities

Cache Creek

WHEREAS schools are a fundamental component of a healthy, vibrant community and vital to a communitys future well-being; AND WHEREAS the present formula for funding schools is based on student enrollment; AND WHEREAS the decline in rural student populations has resulted in the closure and consolidation of some schools: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the provincial government work with affected stakeholders, such as the BC School Trustees Association, to review the current school funding formula so that it better reflects the special circumstances of different communities.

Provincial Response

MINISTRY OF EDUCATION Government recognizes that northern and rural communities have unique needs, and this is reflected in the funding formula for BC school districts. The simplified formula accounts for unique geographic factors like low enrolment, rural and remote factors, small communities, climate and sparseness. It also takes into consideration declining enrolment. The Ministry consults with school districts through the Technical Review Committee which annually reviews the funding formula and makes recommendations to the Minister.

Convention Decision
Endorsed as Amended