Emergency Operations Centre Reserve Funds

LMLGA Executive
Fraser Valley RD

Whereas regional districts are recognized as local authorities under the Emergency Program Act that must develop and implement emergency plans and other preparedness, response and recovery measures for emergencies and disasters; And whereas regional districts are limited by the current funding model under the Local Government Act, requiring fiscal equivalence: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM urge the Province of British Columbia and Emergency Management BC to provide regional districts with a dedicated Emergency Operations Centre Reserve Fund to facilitate the timely provision of emergency response when prior expense authorization is not practical and works are essential to save lives and protect property.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Emergency Management and Climate Readiness Emergency Management BC EMBC acknowledges the challenges faced by regional districts working within the current expenditure authorization process and within the limitations on revenue-raising mechanisms available through the Local Government Act. This year, EMBC transitioned to a new Incident Management software tool that is enabling a timelier review, approval, and communication of decisions for submitted expenditure authorization forms. EMBC is also exploring options for the electronic submission of expenditure authorization forms by First Nations and local authorities, which will further speed up the process. In addition, EMBC is in the process of modernizing the Emergency Program Act, including the regulations and associated guidelines. This includes updating of EMBCs Financial Assistance Guidelines for Emergency Response Costs: A Guide for BC First Nations and Local Authorities. EMBC will continue to engage with regional districts and within government to explore potential mechanisms to alleviate challenges with the existing funding model.

Convention Decision