Bill 75 - Significant Projects Streamlining Act

Sunshine Coast RD

WHEREAS by Bill 75 the provincial government enacted the Significant Projects Streamlining Act, which provides the provincial government with sweeping powers to override local government bylaws, plans, policies and powers; AND WHEREAS the powers granted to the Province under this Act have the potential to seriously undermine the current structure for ensuring cohesive regionalmunicipal land use planning and the important public safety protection that local government involvement brings to project development; AND WHEREAS the Significant Projects Streamlining Act contradicts the provincial promotion of the Community Charter as a vehicle for recognizing local government as a responsible and autonomous level of government: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Union of British Columbia Municipalities coordinate a program for shared funding amongst local governments to provide financial assistance for legal costs incurred by a local government initiating a legal challenge to an incident of the Provinces implementation of the Significant Projects Streamlining Act.

Convention Decision
Referred to UBCM Executive
Executive Decision
Received for Information