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The next Electoral Area Directors’ (EAD) Forum will be held on February 4 and 5, 2020 at the Radisson Vancouver Airport Hotel in Richmond, BC. Hotel reservations are now available via phone (604.279.8384) or email under the UBCM/LGLA block until January 6, 2020.  The EAD Forum…
As part of its effort to improve emergency management throughout BC, the Province is seeking stakeholder input regarding the Emergency Program Act. Local governments have until January 31, 2020 to provide feedback to the provincial discussion paper, Modernizing BC’s Emergency…
The Province announced that an independent panel will review old growth management with communities, First Nations, stakeholders and industry. The Panel is beginning its consultations and will report back to government in Spring 2020 with recommendations that are expected to…
New Pathways to Collaboration case study: The City of Vernon and Okanagan Indian Band multi-year First Nation-Municipal Community Economic Development Initiative (CEDI) to improve economic prosperity for both communities through joint economic development and land use planning.…
The Province has introduced legislation establishing a process to implement the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP). Bill 41, Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples Act, was developed in collaboration with the First Nations Leadership Council.…
The Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General will be hosting a webinar on October 31, 2019 at 10 am to discuss options for addressing gun and gang activity. Local government representatives are invited to participate in the webinar, which will feature an opportunity to…
The Commission of Inquiry into Money Laundering in British Columbia is holding a series of public meetings across the province. The Commission’s Terms of Reference require a review of the impact of money laundering on various economic sectors within British Columbia including…
Gillian Trumper, former Port Alberni Mayor and UBCM President, passed away on October 11 at the age of 83. First elected in 1983, Ms. Trumper was Port Alberni's longest serving Mayor. Her career of public service also included the roles of school trustee, alderman, coroner, MLA…
Funding announced by the province in May 2019 will enable volunteer and composite fire departments to purchase equipment and training to build their resiliency. Created as a result of the Abbott-Chapman report, this stream within the Community Emergency Preparedness Fund (CEPF)…
With more than 130 cannabis retail licences issued in BC, local governments have been working diligently to support the legal distribution of cannabis. In order to expedite provincial approvals, local governments are encouraged to provide the necessary information requirements…