Cannabis Legislation Enforcement


Whereas it is likely that a substantial portion of the regulatory burden and associated costs for compliance with and enforcement of the new cannabis legislation will fall on Local Government; And whereas Local Government does not currently have the resources to deal with these issues: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM lobby the provincial government to take whatever measures necessary to regulate the consumption of recreational cannabis in the same way they do with alcohol and prohibit consumption in public places, vehicles and workplaces.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General The Province of British Columbia and UBCM have established a Joint Provincial-Local Government Committee on Cannabis Regulation JCCR, which is a forum for local governments to share their views on and experiences with the provincial regulatory regime, and discuss issues of interest or concern with the provincial Cannabis Legalization and Regulation Secretariat. With respect to public consumption, local government members of JCCR supported the extension of existing tobacco restrictions to smoking or vaping of non-medical cannabis. There was also general support for additional restrictions on smoking cannabis in vehicles. The Province has established restrictions on public consumption of cannabis that reflect the feedback received from the local government members of the JCCR, as endorsed by UBCM Executive. Smoking or vaping of non-medical cannabis is generally not prohibited in most public spaces where tobacco smoking and vaping are permitted, with some exceptions. Local governments are able to set additional restrictions, as they do now for tobacco use. With respect to workplaces, the provincial Occupational Health and Safety Regulation addresses impairment by drugs or alcohol in the workplace. The Province will continue to engage with local governments through the JCCR on cannabis-related issues of interest to UBCM, as well as any issues arising out of the implementation of the provincial regulatory regime. The Province recognizes the need to monitor implementation, and make adjustments as necessary in the months and years to come.

Convention Decision