Environmental Assessment Review Process

Sunshine Coast RD

WHEREAS the guiding principles of the BC Environmental Assessment Office EAO include a commitment to undertaking objective environmental assessments, giving full and fair consideration to all interests, and to providing opportunities for all interested parties to participate in the environmental assessment process; AND WHEREAS the allocated 30-day public consultation period is not adequate for meaningful public consideration and comment on projects under review, nor does it provide opportunities for public comment on the EAOs report before a Ministerial decision is made public: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that UBCM urge the provincial government to revise the Environmental Assessment Process to increase opportunities for public engagement by providing a longer public consultation period and by making the EAOs report available for public comment prior to announcing the Ministerial decision.

Provincial Response

Environmental Assessment Office The Environmental Assessment Office EAO manages the assessment of proposed major projects in British Columbia in accordance with the requirements of the Environmental Assessment Act. EAO is guided by the principle of fairness and undertakes objective environmental assessments, giving full and fair consideration to all interests, including the public who may be affected by a proposed project and other interested parties. EAO typically consults with the public at two key points early in the process on the issues and values that should be studied prior to a proponent filing an application and again on the completed application that is submitted to EAO for review. The Public Consultation Policy Regulation requires a public comment period on an application of no less than 30 days, but in many instances a public comment period lasts longer. The information provided by EAO to ministers at the conclusion of an environmental assessment is made publicly available at the time of decision, including a summary of public concerns that were identified during the assessment, along with any other materials required by ministers for their decision. EAO believes that the Act and Regulation are sufficiently flexible to tailor public engagement requirements and timing to the circumstances of each project and the needs and interests of those who may be affected by a proposed project. In addition to EAO public comment periods, EAO requires that proponents conduct a public consultation program. These programs are specific to the projects, the local context and the interests of stakeholders. They are approved by EAO and EAO evaluates the results for effectiveness. As well, local governments that are members of EAO technical working group are invited to provide advice on potential impacts and mitigation measures throughout the environmental assessment. EAO believes that public and stakeholder input is important for increasing understanding of proposed projects and the environmental assessment process and provides opportunities for the public to share information and perspectives that can help inform the final decision. EAO staff met with the UBCM Environment Committee on July 17, 2014, to provide an update on the EAO review identified in the 201415 Mandate Letter for the Minister of Environment. As part of that update, EAO advised that they are in the early stages of reviewing the public consultation approach, with a view to: understanding perspectives on public consultation in environmental assessments; clarifying the purposes and approach to public engagement; and implementing improvements to the consultation process. EAO will be sharing its approach in a consultation paper by Spring 2015 and will seek the views of UBCM members, other stakeholders and the public at that time.

Convention Decision