Cellular Phone Coverage

Columbia Shuswap RD

WHEREAS there are numerous areas throughout the province where members of the public traveling on major transportation corridors are unable to access cellular phone service for emergency and safety purposes for more than 30 minutes of driving time; AND WHEREAS cellular phone service is an immediate and effective communication safety tool used by the public as a means to alert and access emergency services: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Province be requested to undertake a provincial mandate to work collaboratively with major cellular phone providers to improve cellular communications and connectivity along all major transportation corridors in British Columbia.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Labour and Citizens Services Telecommunications services are important for the economic, health and social well-being of rural and remote communities. As a result, the Province has extended high-speed broadband connectivity to 366 communities in B.C. as part of bridging the digital divide for rural and remote areas. Cellular service, however, is federally regulated such that it is more of a challenge for the Province to directly promote expansion in the same way it can for broadband. Industry experts suggest investment and improvement of cellular services should result from increased competition within the industry. Many industry business experts suggest a recent radio spectrum auction by the federal government will result in several new network operators, and those operators will provide increased competition in the Canadian cellular communications industry. The Province continues to take every opportunity to represent the interests of rural British Columbians by participating in federal telecommunications policy reviews. The Province advocates for principles to increase service in rural areas and urges the federal government to consult with provinces and municipalities before it makes reforms to existing telecommunications policy.

Convention Decision
Endorsed as Amended