Transmission Lines Associated with IPPs

Powell River RD

WHEREAS private interests are proposing an inordinate number of run-of-river Independent Power Projects IPPs throughout the Province, with each project requiring a corridor for its transmission line; AND WHEREAS collectively, these transmission lines have the potential to reduce the forestry value of a large expanse of crown land and to negatively impact recreation and tourism values in their vicinity: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Union of British Columbia Municipalities strongly urge the provincial government, together with the BC Transmission Corporation and BC Hydro, to initiate a process which will require the pre-planning and coordination of IPP transmission line routes and capacities with the objective of having companies share this infrastructure in order to reduce its extent and to minimize its impact on other crown land resources and users.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources BC Transmission Corporation BCTC is an independent electric transmission company, ensuring fair and open access to the grid and creating value and new opportunities for their customers and stakeholders by providing safe, reliable and cost-effective transmission services. As the Province grows, so does the demand for electricity. BCTC is mandated to ensuring the Province has electricity today and into the future. In order for us to meet our electricity demand challenges, BC Hydro has been given the opportunity to tap into independent power production. In order to do that however, independent power producers must have access to the electrical grid through BCTC. B.C.s electrical transmission system is one all British Columbians can be proud of.

Other Response

BC HYDRO With respect to the issue of access to transmission lines, the BC Transmission Corporation has the primary responsibility to plan, build, operate and maintain the transmission system in BC. In December 2008, BCs Minister of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources issued terms of reference to the BC Utilities Commission to initiate an inquiry into the long-term, province-wide need for transmission infrastructure and capacity. There will be a process to allow interested parties like the UBCM to provide input on these matters. This inquiry is expected to start later this year. BC TRANSMISSION CORPORATION As the Crown corporation that plans, builds, operates and maintains the Provinces electrical transmission system, BC Transmission Corporation BCTC is responsible for providing the network connection for all new generation IPPs in the Province. In connecting to the grid, each IPP is responsible for any transmission facilities required to move power from their generator to the point of interconnection this could be as little as a few metres or many kilometres. BCTC currently has two advisory committees for transmission planning: the Transmission Planning Advisory Committee and the Transmission Expansion Policy Technical Advisory Committee. UBCM has a seat on both of these Committees. You may also be aware that the Provincial government has recently established an IPP Office within the Integrated Land Management Bureau to better manage the portfolio of applications for IPP projects. In terms of coordinated transmission planning over the long-term, you may be interested in an upcoming inquiry led by the BC Utilities Commission to look at the 30-year transmission requirements for the Province. A copy of the Terms of Reference for the inquiry issued by the Provincial government in December is attached for your information.

Convention Decision