Municipal Employees in RCMP Detachments

Nanaimo City

WHEREAS the Federal Court of Appeal ruled that municipal unit police agreements contravene Section 10 of the RCMP Act which states that civilian employees that are necessary for carrying out the function and duties of the Force shall be appointed or employed under the Public Service Employment Act; AND WHEREAS this decision will have a significant disruptive effect on police service operations, labour relations, employee relations, finances, potential liability and other administrative issues; AND WHEREAS Justice Canada is currently reviewing the issue and will be making a decision on whether or not to appeal to the Supreme Court of Canada: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Union of BC Municipalities request the Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Services Canada take action to maintain municipal employees as support staff for RCMP municipal contract policing services; AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that if this matter should go before the Supreme Court of Canada, the City of Nanaimo and all other affected municipalities be granted intervener status.

Convention Decision