Harbour Protection - Derelict Vessels


WHEREAS the Town of Ladysmith has made several appeals to the provincial and federal governments to remove derelict vessels from Ladysmith harbour; AND WHEREAS there has been no action to date by either the provincial or federal governments to enforce removal of derelict vessels from Ladysmith harbour; AND WHEREAS the risk of environmental contamination and the aesthetic blight posed by derelict vessels is of concern to all coastal communities affected by this issue: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Union of British Columbia Municipalities strongly recommend to the Province, the federal Department of Fisheries and Oceans and the Canadian Coast Guard that immediate action be taken by them to remove any derelict vessels that have been unoccupied for a period of six months or longer from the harbours of any communities requesting such action.

Federal Response

FISHERIES AND OCEANS CANADA Liberal Government Resolution B112, forwarded by the Town of Ladysmith, asks DFO and the Canadian Coast Guard to remove derelict vessels from harbours in British Columbia once such vessels have been unoccupied for six months or longer, upon request. Current legislation does not allow the removal of a derelict vessel unless it is a hazard to navigation under the Navigable Waters Protection Act NWPA. The NWPA is the responsibility of Transport Canada. I have taken the liberty of forwarding a copy of your letter to my colleague Mr. Mike Henderson, the Regional Director of Transport Canada in Pacific Region, for his information.

Convention Decision
Endorsed as Amended