Log Export Crisis in BC

Alberni-Clayoquot RD

WHEREAS logs exported from British Columbia create forest jobs in other countries at the expense of Canadian jobs; AND WHEREAS raw log exports increased by 1,000 percent from 1996 to 2005: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that: 1 A moratorium be placed on the closure of any mills in British Columbia until a full and comprehensive plan for a revitalized manufacturing sector is created; 2 Cabinet cease to issue any permits for log exports and place a moratorium on exports from all Crown lands; 3 The government reverse its earlier decision to allow Weyerhauser to remove its private lands from Tree Farm Licence TFL; 4 The government ensure full public consultation on any future proposal to remove land from any TFL; 5 The government increase the export tax on raw logs from private lands to ensure there is no economic incentive to export, rather than process locally; 6 The provincial government re-introduce measures that will once again make clear the connection between companies logging British Columbia trees and their commitment to manufacturing capacity in the province; 7 The federal government retain legislation restricting raw log exports and align federal and provincial forest policies; and 8 The federal and provincial governments vigorously oppose the legal challenge to federal legislation restricting raw log exports, which would further erode rights to protect Canadian jobs.

Convention Decision
Not Admitted for Debate