Provincial Support for TRC, MMIWG2S and UNDRIP


Whereas local governments in British Columbia are integral for the implementation of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission TRC of Canada Calls to Action, Murdered Indigenous Women, Girls and Two-Spirit People, MMIWG2S Calls for Justice, and the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples UNDRIP, but have the least resources to do the work meaningfully; And whereas local governments are committed to advancing truth, justice, and reconciliation, and understanding that each Indigenous community has different and diverse histories, making local context and consultation critical to meaningful action: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM call on the Province of British Columbia to provide support and equitable access to funding for trauma-informed, Indigenous-led education, training, and policy guidance for local governments and associated law enforcement and emergency services to implement local government-specific recommendations from the TRC, MMIWG2S, and UNDRIP.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Municipal Affairs Our government is committed to true, lasting reconciliation with Indigenous people in British Columbia and recognizes the important role local governments play by building relationships with First Nations. The renewal of the Memorandum of Understanding, underscores our shared commitment to implementing the UN Declaration and the Truth and Reconciliation Commissions Calls to Action and acknowledges the work of the Union of BC Municipalities and local governments in BC to advance reconciliation with First Nations and Indigenous peoples. Significant work is going on at the local level to build relationships between local governments and First Nations, and all of us are committed to finding ways to work better together to make life better for people in Indigenous and non-Indigenous communities. The Province is supporting this work through the Community-to-Community Forum program, which has helped local governments and First Nations connect at more than 600 community-to-community events in the past 22 years, fostering collaborative relationships and a wide range of service agreements and protocols on important matters including health and safety. As well, the Urban Communities Partnering for Reconciliation project funded a series of urban reconciliation dialogues between municipalities and urban Indigenous communities. Along with these two initiatives, the 150 Time Immemorial program, announced on July 30, 2021, is a 30-million grant program, through the First Peoples Cultural Foundation and Heritage BC, that is funding projects to educate people about BCs colonial past, advance reconciliation and promote inclusivity and diversity for the provinces future. Our government values our relationship with local government and recognizes the importance of having local government actively involved in the work of reconciliation and the implementation of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission TRC of Canada Calls to Action, Murdered Indigenous Women, Girls and Two-Spirit People, MMIWG2S Calls for Justice, and the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples UNDRIP.

Convention Decision